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    20 Producten
    Likit Granola Molasses - 550 gram

    Likit Granola Molasses - 550 gram

    Smakelijke liksteen met de smaak van gemengde be...
    Op voorraad
    Likit Treat Bar Banaan - 90 gram

    Likit Treat Bar Banaan - 90 gram

    Een smakelijke beloning voor uw paard. U kunt ee...
    Niet op voorraad
    Likit Treat Bar Wortel - 90 gram

    Likit Treat Bar Wortel - 90 gram

    Een smakelijke beloning voor uw paard. U kunt ee...
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    Likit Treat Bar Appel- 90 gram

    Likit Treat Bar Appel- 90 gram

    Een smakelijke beloning voor uw paard. U kunt ee...
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    Likit Voordeel Pak 4 Repen - 360 gram

    Likit Voordeel Pak 4 Repen - 360 gram

    Verwen je trouwe metgezel met onze overheerlijke...
    Op voorraad
    Likit Liksteen Appel

    Likit Liksteen Appel

    Verwen je paard met onze smakelijke liksteen voo...
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    Likit Starter Kit - Glitter Pink

    Likit Starter Kit - Glitter Pink

    Likit starterspakket met één Likit houder, drie ...
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    Likit Liksteen Mint

    Likit Liksteen Mint

    Verwen je paard met onze smakelijke liksteen voo...
    Niet op voorraad

    Likit Products is a family business, established in 2002 and is now the top equine toy & treat brand on the market.

    Our products are sold all over the world through our fabulous network or distributors and retailers, with more joining us every week! Whether you are new to Likit Products or already a fan, we endevour to continally bring out fun and innovative products to keep you and your horses happy whilst at work, rest or play…

    We care about horse health

    Our toys and treats are loads of fun but they have a serious purpose and that is to help relieve boredom and stress which can occur due to horses being stabled, transported or simply restricted from carrying out their natural behaviours. Environmental enrichment is now a huge issue in zoos and wildlife sanctuaries where animals are kept in captivity but did you ever think of your horse in this fashion?  Horses were not designed to be kept in pens or stalls, they were designed to graze up to 18 hours per day, so Likits can help keep your horse ‘grazing’ whilst stabled.

    Love of horses

    We make no excuses… we love horses! They say that when you do what you love, you’ll never work a day in your life. Our passion is to improve the lives of all our four legged friends by developing the most exciting toys on the market. A Likit horse is a happy horse!

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